Welcome to Our Dahlia Tuber Collection!

Tubers will ship Mid April. There will also be one pick up date available at the Coshocton Farmer’s Market on May 3rd. ***

At Golden Sky Farm, we believe that flowers have the power to bring joy, and nothing does it quite like a dahlia in full bloom. As a female-owned farm, our passion is growing and sharing these stunning flowers so you can fill your own garden with beauty. Each tuber in our collection is hand-selected from our fields, nurtured with care, and chosen for its vibrant color, unique form, and reliable performance.

Whether you're a seasoned grower or planting dahlias for the first time, we’re here to help you bring more flowers—and more happiness—into your life. Thank you for supporting our farm. We can’t wait to see how our dahlias flourish in your garden!

Tubers will ship in April!